Nhã Thuyên: Don't Hide the Madness

  • book presentation
  • Reading
  • Talk

30.07.2024 / 19:00 – 21:00
With Nhã Thuyên

This event launches Nhã Thuyên‘s new chapbook đừng giấu cơn điên (“Don’t Hide the Madness”, Materials, 2024) eight poems excerpted from the forthcoming book vị nước (“Taste of Water”). “Steps here pulled forth by some line of poetry out of time”, such work “fabricate[s] a bed out of sea, build[s] a house out of tremendous immensity”. It’s the result of a lifelong investigation of the Vietnamese language, lived deep within the person and in the field beyond the personal that poetic language affords us. Don’t hide the madness. Don’t be at peace. Readings and conversation between Nhã Thuyên and David Grundy, moderated by Mathias Zeiske.

Reading and talk in English
Admission free

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