Julia Cimafiejeva is a Belarusian writer and translator. She is an author of four poetry collections in Belarusian and a documentary book Minsk Diary written in English. Her works have been translated into many languages and appeared in different projects, anthologies and magazines. Her recent titles in German are Der Angststein. Gedichte (edition.fotoTAPETA, 2022) and Minsk. Die Stadt, die ich vermisse. Fotografie. Gedichte (EDITIONfrölich, 2022). Cimafiejeva’s debut American book Motherfield: Poems & Belarusian Protest Diary translated by Valzhyna Mort and Hanif Abdurraqib (2022 by Deep Vellum) was long-listed for American PEN Award for Poetry in Translation. She translated books by Walt Whitman, Stephen Crane, Paul Celan, Maja Lunde and Stian Hole, contributed her translations of poetry and prose to different magazines and anthologies. She is the winner of Carlos Sherman Translation Prize for the translation of the poetry book by Stephen Crane.