Book launch - Lina Meruane
08.02.2018 / 20:00
With Lina Meruane
and Priya Basil
Rot vor Augen Roman, Arche Literaturverlag, Hamburg, 2018
Lucina, a young Chilean writer, has moved to New York to pursue an academic career. While at a party one night, something that her doctors had long warned might happen finally occurs: her eyes haemorrhage. Within minutes, blood floods her vision, reducing her sight to sketched outlines and tones of grey, rendering her all but blind. As she begins to adjust to a very different life, a very different woman shows up – one who demands unconditional love, one who seeks revenge, one who is angry, funny, sinister and sexual. Lina Meruane´s fourth novel, her first in German , comes in the guise of a memoir, and explores the entanglements of memory and vision, autobiography and fiction. On the occasion of the launch of the German translation, Priya Basil and Lina Meruane will speak on literature and illness, on image and imagination, on feminism and the Chilean dictatorship as seen within the frame of the novel.