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Further Grants

In addition to the Award Grants, the team of the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program administers a number of other support programs in which international artists and scholars from many different disciplines are invited to come to Berlin and Germany.

The DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program and Artis, New York and Tel Aviv, have established a collaboration to offer fully funded residencies to practitioners from Israel in the field of visual arts, performance, and curation. The artists and curators will be in residence for up to three months in art institutions such as, Bauhaus Archive Berlin, Neue Sächsische Galerie, Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt, Forecast Berlin and universities such as Universität der Künste Berlin, Humboldt University and Hochschule für Bildende Künste Hamburg. Curator and architect Eran Eizenhamer, artist and curator Hadas Kedar, visual artist Nira Pereg, and the performance collective Public Movement have already arrived in Berlin. Further invitations will follow.

Artis is an independent, nonprofit, contemporary art organization dedicated to supporting contemporary artists from Israel and contributing to a global conversation about art and culture. Artis works with artists and curators who ask questions and explore complex narratives, striving to move beyond replicating national language, assumptions, or preconceived notions in a manner that is responsive, responsible, and in exchange with the international art community in thoughtful, new ways. Artis is committed to ensuring artist-centered opportunities for artists and curators from Israel regardless of religion, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identification.

The residencies are funded by the Federal Foreign Office as part of the DAAD Arts and Media programme.

Centro de Residencias artísticas de Matadero Madrid and the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program announce a Research Fellowship for curators and cultural producers for the period May – July 2023 in Madrid. The call is addressed exclusively to cultural professionals residing in Germany.

The Research Fellowship for Curators and Cultural Producers aims to support approaches to curatorial practice through a two-month residency in Madrid between May and July 2023 with the following objectives:

– Promote research and reflection related to knowledge production in the artistic and curatorial fields.
– Support research and reflection on the engagement with memory, the use of archives, the relationship between art and geopolitical contexts.
– Promote artistic and cultural practice through research and the professional development of curators and cultural professionals, as well as the mobility and internationalization of curators and cultural professionals.
– To establish links between the different protagonists of the art scene in Spain and Germany.

The fellowship is made possible through the DAAD special program Arts and Media in collaboration with Matadero Madrid, the Goethe Institut Madrid and Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) and is aimed at cultural practicioners living and working in Germany.

Matadero Madrid defines itself as a transdisciplinary production space where the different disciplines of the arts, humanities and sciences have their place. It has a program of artistic residencies to support curatorial activity in a very broad sense in terms of its target groups and public: artists, researchers, thinkers, cultural and transdisciplinary actors.

The residency program is carried out at the Centro de Residencias Artísticas of Matadero Madrid, whose main objective is to support the artistic creation and research processes of visual artists, musicians, film producers, curators, writers and/or researchers, both individually and collectively, with financial resources, tools and institutional mentoring. Centro de Residencias Artísticas provides residents with work spaces, facilitates the production of their work, research and shared learning with other residents and actors.

More information: Center for Artists in Residence | Matadero Madrid

– Travel costs (round trip travel between your place of residence in Spain and Germany)
– 4,000€ residency allowance (which includes fees, total living expenses during the residency and total production expenses for the realization and development of the research)
– Up to 2,000€ for accommodation rental expenses upon presentation of a budget and/or invoice to Madrid Destino

The fellowship is exclusively for cultural professionals residing in Germany. The selected curator will live at the Centro de Residencias Artísticas of Matadero Madrid with other local and international artists and cultural workers, as well as with other partners and projects. The fellow is expected to be open to this space of hospitality, conviviality, personal and professional exchange and mentoring.

The language of communication is English.

At the same time, a guest residency of a cultural precticioner living in Spain will take place in Berlin in connection with the activities of the Berlin Artists’ Program.

The selection will be made by a jury consisting of a representative of the Centro de Residencias Artísticas Matadero Madrid and the Berliner Künstlerprogramm as well as an independent expert. The submitted project outline is decisive for the selection.

Applications should be sent by e-mail only with the following documents (in English):
(1) a letter of motivation in which the research interest in the Matadero Madrid and the goal of the on-site exchange are made clear (max. 300 words).
(2) A project outline for a specific research project in the context of the stay (max. 2000 words), including images and timeline.
(3) a curriculum vitae (max. 200 words)
(4) Portfolio of past projects (max. 6 pages)

All documents must be submitted in PDF format, file size max. 9 MB.
Please send all documents to: residency.berlin@daad.de

DEADLINE for applications is 23 January 2023, 12:00 CET.

There is an ominous relationship between fossil fuels resources and autocratic power in many parts of the world, as exemplified by the current Russian regime. The green transition to renewable energy systems will weaken that regime and strengthen the economic independence of Europe. Besides a humanitarian tragedy, Russia´s war against Ukraine is derailing world-wide climate action and exacerbating environmental degradation. In response to these developments, the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the State Capital of Potsdam Department of Culture and Museums are inviting Ukrainian artists and cultural practitioners to apply for this year´s artistic residency at PIK.

Applications are welcome from Ukrainian contemporary artists working in a wide range of disciplines including visual arts, film, literature, music/sound, curating, design and theory.

Founded in 1992, PIK addresses crucial scientific questions in the fields of global change, climate impact and sustainable development. Researchers from the natural and social sciences work together to generate interdisciplinary insights and to provide society with sound information for decision making. The main methodologies are systems and scenarios analysis, modelling, computer simulation and data integration. The historic buildings of the institute and its high-performance computers are located on Potsdam’s Telegrafenberg campus, a unique ensemble of research facilities built in the nineteenth century. Since 2011, PIK has used the building formerly housing the “small photographic refractor” as a studio for visiting artists and as a place for scientists and artists to come together.

Artists-in-residence at PIK are provided with accommodations in the city of Potsdam and studio space at PIK, as well as a stipend paid in three monthly installments in order to offset living expenses and costs for materials and travel. During their residency, guest artists are expected to interact with the scientific community and present their work to the public in Potsdam and Berlin.

This year, the residency will take place for a three-month period from September to November 2022. Awardees are selected by representatives from the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program, the State Capital of Potsdam Department of Culture and Museums and PIK, along with two independent jury members.

To apply, please submit the following documents until June 22nd, 2022, via email only:

(1) Letter of motivation outlining your research interest and what mutual benefits you would like to see
(2) Your CV and portfolio

All documents must be in PDF format, 9MB max file size.

Please submit to: residency.berlin [​at​] daad.de

The PIK Artists-in-Residence Program is a cooperative project between the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program and the State Capital of Potsdam and is financed by funds from the German Federal Foreign Office and the State Capital of Potsdam.

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Each year, in addition to the eighteen fellowships awarded to artists who have been selected by independent, international juries in the four fields of visual arts, music & sound, literature, and film, the Artists-in-Berlin Program also invites several artists to Berlin for shorter residencies lasting between one and two months.

These short-term residencies are awarded to artists who have already made substantial, innovative contributions to contemporary art, but whose transdisciplinary or collective practices are not easily represented within the framework of the four historically established fields. Moreover, these invitations make it possible to set thematic priorities in connection with the long-term fellowships. 

BKP Short-term Fellows

The DAAD Arts and Media Program supports research and study visits to Germany by international cultural practitioners and new media artists. In addition to other long-term collaborations—with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the Darmstadt Summer Course for New Music—the program includes short-term fellowships administered by the Artists-in-Berlin Program.

Arts & Media Fellows

With the ICORN fellowship for cultural producers at risk, the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program actively supports artistic freedom and freedom of expression. The fellowship is funded by the State of Berlin, which joined the International Cities of Refuge Network in May 2018. Thanks to this Norway-based organization, more than 200 at-risk and threatened artists and writers have found temporary refuge in nearly eighty cities worldwide. As a partner institution of the State of Berlin, the Artists-in-Berlin Program oversees and provides administrative support to fellowship holders.

International Cities of Refuge Network (ICORN)

Teaching professionals in the fields of visual art, literature, music, and dance & performance have the opportunity to become associated with universities in Berlin, thanks to visiting professorships organized jointly by the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program: foreign writers, composers, academics, artists, curators, art historians, art critics, dancers, and choreographers are invited to Berlin to teach as visiting professors for one semester.

Rudolf Arnheim Guest Professorship

Together with the Humboldt-Universtität zu Berlin, the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, and the Bankgesellschaft Berlin’s Stiftung Brandenburger Tor, the DAAD established the Rudolf Arnheim Visiting Professorship within the Art History Seminar at the Humboldt-Universität.
Author, critic, and university lecturer Marina Vishmidt holds the Rudolf Arnheim Visiting Professorship at the Department of Art and Visual History in 2022.

Samuel Fischer Guest Professorship

In association with the Freie Universität Berlin, S. Fischer Verlag in Frankfurt am Main/Berlin, and the Veranstaltungsforum of the Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, the DAAD established the Samuel Fischer Guest Professorship for Literature at the Freie Universität.
Lina Meruane, a Chilean writer, holds the Samuel Fischer Visiting Professorship for the 2022 summer semester.

Edgard Varèse Guest Professorship

Together with the Technische Universität Berlin and the Sender Freies Berlin (now Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg), the DAAD established the Edgard Varèse Guest Professorship for Computer Music at the Technische Universität.
Composer Mehmet Can Özer is the Edgar Varèse Visiting Professor for the 2022 summer semester.

Valeska Gert Guest Professorship

In cooperation with the Freie Universität Berlin and the Akademie der Künste in Berlin, the DAAD established the Valeska Gert Visiting Professorship for Dance and Performance at the Institute for Theater Studies, part of the Department of Philosophy and Humanities at the Freie Universität.
This year’s Valeska Gert Visiting Professorship is held by Austrian choreographer Philipp Gehmacher.

Siegfried Unseld Guest Professorhsip

Also in cooperation with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the DAAD, Suhrkamp and the Institute for Slavistics and Hungarology, established the Siegfried-Unseld Guest Professorship in 2009.
Polish author Tomasz Rózycki, is the 2022 Siegried Unseld Visiting Professor at Humboldt-Universität.

As global nomads, curators act as intermediaries: they provide the all-important nexus between artists, institutions, and the public. KfW Stiftung’s “Curators in Residence” program offers promising young curators from Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia the opportunity to spend several months in Germany, thus promoting intercultural exchange in exhibition organization.

The five-year collaboration between KfW Stiftung and the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program facilitated individual working visits to Berlin. Rather than being centered around an exhibition project, they enabled the chosen curator to develop new projects, create their profile, conduct research, and establish a professional network. Each year, one candidate was awarded a grant for a six-month working visit.

Selection procedure: promising young curators were nominated by internationally renowned curators and artists from different parts of Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. A jury of experts then selected the successful candidate.

KfW-Stiftung: Curators in Residence

Curating Connections Fellows

Climate change is no longer just a scientific problem; it is also a major social and political issue. Consequently, many different societal groups need to be involved in finding solutions to this problem, as well as in debates on what sustainability means. To foster exchange and discussion between artists and scientists, the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), and the Department of Culture and Museums of the City of Potsdam jointly offer an artistic residency at PIK.

Founded in 1992, PIK addresses crucial scientific questions in the fields of global change, climate impact, and sustainable development. Researchers from the natural and social sciences work together to generate interdisciplinary insights and to provide society with sound information for decision-making. The main methodologies employed are systems and scenarios analysis, modeling, computer simulation, and data integration.

The historic buildings of the institute and its high-performance computers are located on Potsdam’s Telegrafenberg campus, a unique ensemble of research facilities built in the nineteenth century. Since 2011, PIK has used the building that formerly housed the “small photographic refractor” as a studio for visiting artists and as a meeting place for scientists and artists.

Artists-in-residence at PIK are provided with accommodation in the city of Potsdam and studio space at PIK, as well as a three-month grant to offset living expenses and costs of materials and travel. During their residencies, guest artists are expected to interact with the local scientific community and to present their work to the public in Potsdam and Berlin.

We welcome applications from international contemporary artists and cultural practitioners in many different fields: visual arts, film, literature, music & sound, curating, design, and theory.

Applications for 2022 are currently not possible.

The PIK Artists-in-Residence program is a collaborative project between the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program, and the Potsdam State Capital. It is supported by funding from the German Federal Foreign Office and the Potsdam State Capital.

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

PiK Fellows

The International Relief Fund was set up in 2020 on the initiative of the Federal Foreign Office and the Goethe-Institut together with partners in order to quickly support organizations from culture and education abroad in dealing with the anticipated effects of the coronavirus pandemic. The Federal Foreign Office provided around three million euros in basic emergency aid, which was increased to approximately six million euros in 2021. The Goethe Institute coordinated the selection process and the allocation of funds. Cultural organizations and private foundations from Germany also added further funds or participated with their own projects including the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program, the German UNESCO Commission, the S. Fischer Stiftung, the Robert Bosch Stiftung, and the Siemens Foundation. www.goethe.de/hilfsfonds

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