Roman Khimei und Yarema Malashchuk: Additional Scenes

  • Gespräch
  • Screening

15.06.2024 / 19:00 – 21:00
Mit Roman Khimei und Yarema Malashchuk 

Screening and talk with Roman Khimei and Yarema Malashchuk
Moderated by Ania Kolyszko

As part of the public program of A Time in Pieces, the screening will present Roman Khimei and Yarema Malashchuk’s short films Additional Scenes, Explosions Near the Museum, and Dedicated to the Youth of the World and will be accompanied by a talk with the artists and filmmakers, moderated by film producer Ania Kołyszko.

Collaborating at the edge of visual art and cinema since 2013, Kyiv-based artists and filmmakers Roman Khimei and Yarema Malashchuk graduated as cinematographers from the Institute of Screen Arts in Kyiv, Ukraine. They were awarded the main award of the PinchukArtCentre Prize (2020) and VISIO Young Talent Acquisition Prize (2021). Their short film Explosion Near the Museum won the National Competition at the 15th Wiz-Art LIFF. Their new video installation is on view at Dare to Dream, a Collateral Event of the 60th International Art Exhibition — La Biennale di Venezia. Khimei and Malashchuk are members of the Prykarpattian Theater, an art group that recently established the project „Theater of Hopes and Expectations“ which was presented at the Ukrainian Pavillion during Venice Biennale Architettura 2023. 

Additional Scenes
Ukraine 2024
17 min. / HD video / Original version with English subtitles
Ukrainian actor Pavlo Aldoshyn played the lead role in the movie Sniper. White Raven, based on the real events of the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2014. At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Aldoshyn joined the Armed Forces. At the authors’ request, the soldier returned from the frontline to Kyiv in order to play a civilian.

Explosions near the Museum
Ukraine 2023
14 min. / HD video / Original version with English subtitles
Looted by the Russian occupying forces between 24-26 October, 2022, the Kherson Local History Museum used to house southern Ukraine’s largest and oldest collections of antiquities. Two weeks before Kherson was liberated by the Ukrainians, Russian forces enacted a strategic theft, stripping centuries of Ukrainian history from the museum/region. Explosions Near the Museum was shot inside the museum, which is less than two kilometers from Russian-occupied territory.

Dedicated to the Youth of the World
Ukraine 2017
7 min. / HD video / Original version with English subtitles
The title of the film is taken from Leni Riefenstahl’s Olympia slogan, which appears at the beginning of her documentary. The video essay mixes several narratives of 20th century ideologies. The ideas of youth are wrapped in a fashion brand style that mimics early Soviet aesthetics.

A Time in Pieces is a collaboration between the Visual Culture Research Center, Between Bridges, and DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program.

The public program is curated together with Natalie Keppler, Serge Klymko and Viktor Neumann.


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