Ukraine, Ukraine Encounters, 2024, in Berlin


Dana Kavelina (b. 1995 in Melitopol, Ukraine) works primarily with animation and video, but also installation, painting and graphics. She graduated from the Department of Graphics at the National Technical University of Ukraine. Her works often address military violence and war regarding the position of a victim as a political subject—as well as the distance between historical and individual trauma, memory and misrepresentation.

Her 2020 film Letter to a Turtledove was acquired by The Museum of Modern Art in New York and featured in the exhibition Signals: How Video Transformed the World. Her works were featured in the Kyiv Perennial in Vienna, 60th Venice Biennale, MHKA Antwerp, festival steirischer herbst 2022 and 2023 etc. She is the Main Prize winner of the 7th edition of the PinchukArtCentre Prize and is shortlisted for the Future Generation Art Prize 2024.

Dana Kavelina is short-term fellow with the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program in July 2024 and will present her work on July 3rd, 2024, at the daadgalerie as part of the public program of A Time in Pieces, the Kyiv Perennial – the Berlin edition of the 5th Kyiv Biennal.


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