Russia, Music, 2008


Dmitri Kourliandski was born 1976 in Moscow, studied at the Moscow Conservatory, and is a composer of solo, ensemble and orchestral works that have won awards including the Grand Prix of the International Gaudeamus Competition (2003).

A member of the Composers’ Union of Russia, Kourliandski is founder and editor-in-chief of the journal “Tribuna Sovremennoi Muzyki” (Tribune of Contemporary Music), and co-founder of the composers’ group Structural Resistance (StRes). Since 2004, Kourliandski has described his works as “objective music”. “The concept of music as an object, a visual phenomenon, is opposite to the romantic concept characterized by the evolution of music in time… In my music, there is no evolution, there is no action.” (“Objective Music. From General to Particular” in: Tribune of Contemporary Music, No.1/4, 2006). In Berlin he will work on an opera and on a composition for ballet.

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