Born in 1960 in San Nicolás, Argentina, lives in Berlin; composer (electro-acoustic music).
Lucent Shores
Mario Verandi2023, CD
Lucent Shores features Mario Verandi‘s electroacoustic music compositions produced between 2002 and 2017. The album complement’s Verandi’s Orillas Distantes – Distant Shores, an album released in 2001 that contains his early electroacoustic music works (1995 – 2000). The two albums reveal the composer’s strong background in the tradition of acousmatic music whose roots go back to the musique concrete of the 1940s. Mario Verandi explores with intensity and imagination the use of recognizable sound sources in combination with electronic transformations of these same materials blurring the boundaries between real and abstract soundworlds.
The production was supported by the Artists-in-Berlin Program.