Folk U Monday in August

  • Concert
  • Happening
  • Performance
  • Reading
  • Screening

05.08.2024 – 26.08.2024 / 19:00 – 23:00
With Ghayath Almadhoun, Khavn, Logan February, María Negroni, Olga Bubich

Folk U Monday is a semi-regular Monday night happening, organized by filmmaker and current DAAD film fellow Khavn and Achinette Villamor. Folk U Monday started as Folk U in Manila circa 2010 to promote original new music by Philippine songwriters. It evolved into a space for new music and poetry. It features all kinds of art and performance imaginable and unimaginable to man. From singer-songwriters to free jazz to silenced cinema, it celebrates both the living and the dead.

August Dates:

August 5 with Lilith Stangenberg, Logan February, W.H. Auden, Babel Gun, Khavn
August 12 with Timur und der tote Elefant, Ghayath Almadhoun, John Cage, Babel Gun, Khavn
August 19 with Batila, Vincent Moon, María Negroni, Nam June Paik, Babel Gun, Khavn
August 26 with Fatoni, Margarita Jimeno, Andrei Tarkovsky, Babel Gun, Khavn

Beginning at 7 pm

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