New release: Pisitakun Kuantalaeng Compilation MIDDLE SOUND #01

On November 27, 2023, the compilation MIDDLE SOUND #01 is published. Pisitakun Kuantalaeng (music & sound fellow 2023) invited sixteen international musical artists to reinterpret protest songs from their home countries. The online album will feature the resulting tracks along with background information on the original songs and artists involved. The release is part of Kuantalaeng’s larger project THE THREE SOUND OF REVOLUTION examining the connections and variances between global protest movements where music often plays a central role. A further iteration of the project will be presented at CTM Festival 2024 – SUSTAIN in collaboration with the Artists-in-Berlin Program.

With contributions by: Abadir (EG), Teya Logos (PH), Gabber Modus Operandi (ID), Pisitakun (TH), Wanton Witch (MY), Neo Geodesia (CB), WAQ WAQ KINGDOM (JP), Odete (PT), Ale Hop (PE), Carla Boregas (BR), Ruhail Qaisar (IN), fatalism (GR), Hui Ye (CN), PNIKY HTUT AUNG (MM), HURA (IR), Tanat Teeradakorn (TH)

Mastered by: Enyang Urbiks, Urbiks Music GmbH
website conception & realization: José Fernandes
supported by DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program